Hoá chất tráng film Trắng Đen Ilford Rapid Fixer (dạng lỏng, 1 lít)

  • Mã sản phẩm: IL3000002
  • Thương hiệu: Ilford Photo
  • Tình trạng: Tạm hết hàng

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THông tin sản phẩm

Ilford Rapid Fixer is a non-hardening rapid fixer supplied as a liquid concentrate that should be diluted with water for use. It is easy and convenient to use in the range of 18°C (66°F) for fixing black and white film and paper in all manual and machine processing applications.

The fixing process assures that the latent image remains on the film or paper. This step is general preceded by a stop rinse and followed by a hypo wash to remove any trace of the fixer which might causing staining and degradation of the image.

At a 1+4 dilution, RC papers should be fixed for 1-2 minutes. Fiber based prints should be fixed for 1-2 minutes.

It should be noted that Ilford recommends that gloves, eye protection, apron or overall be worn when handling and mixing all chemicals.


Ilford Rapid Fixer technical data sheet: Click here


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